![]() Having started with a dramatic heading, I'm now going to come out with something equally as extreme – to a lot of anti-Muslims out there, at least. Most Muslims are decent, hard-working people. Yet, where in my opinion they have gone wrong in the last decade or so is that some of them – those who also seem to grab the main headlines and the limelight – have increasingly associated themselves with the more extreme elements of Islam. Ban the Cross! Death to the Danish and French cartoonists! Death to the Pope! America the great Satan! Destroy Israel!...etc. And now with the recent atrocities in Paris, an attack at the very heart of all the West stands for in terms of freedom and culture. So that now, with all that shouting at the forefront and constantly grabbing newspaper headlines, that's all that many British people and others in Europe and the USA see. But let's take the clock back fifteen years, shall we, before this new wave of jihadism gained strength in Britain (and beyond) – and before indeed some Islamic adherents started to see their own religion as so superior, and the morals of western women so loose and inferior in comparison, that grooming our young teen girls seemed a good idea. The majority of Muslims in this country are from Pakistan, and they moulded well into the nation, worked hard, were very enterprising, opening corner shops and stores all over. Indeed, at that stage, the most common voice heard about them (and in part because some of the West Indian population were responsible for more muggings, and perhaps weren't so hard-working and enterprising in opening their own shops, etc)... was why can't the West-Indians here be a bit more like the Asians - in other words, just get their heads down and work a bit harder without getting involved in crime. Or, as the British like to put it, 'keep their noses a bit cleaner' or 'fit in more'. And hopefully I can say this without fear of a back-lash, not only because it's true, but because my wife is partly Afro-Caribbean, and over the years that community has also seen their fair share of prejudice here, from the BNP and similar. Then comes this new jihadist wave, and everything changes. But I would argue that in fact things have not changed - still 97% of Muslims here are hard-working, 'keeping their noses clean', non-extremists. But the problem is that these extremists are grabbing all the headlines and as a result soiling the reputation of the rest - their own people, I might add. But there is a perfect prior example of this - the Jews. Yes, that favourite kicking-horse and long-term sworn enemy of all extreme Muslims - the Jews. And I will tell you why. When they first came to this country in their numbers in the 1920s, 30s and 40s, they opened up exactly the same type of businesses as the Pakistanis and Indians did years later: textile sweat shops in the East End of London - Brick Lane indeed was a predominantly Jewish community right up until the 1960s – and corner shops wherever they could. Similarly, they were hard-working and kept their noses clean. And similarly, for many years they were subject in this country to exactly the same sort of racism that Pakistanis and Indians were in later years. They always say that when you have a problem with a particular race, try to look more to what you have in common than what divides you. And so I would say this to Muslims here: you in fact have far more in common with the Jews of this country than probably any other race here, for the simple reason that you have both shared very similar immigrant experiences, albeit years apart. But then comes the divide, and it has come about most sharply with the rising jihad mentality of this past decade. Yes, apart from the most obvious deplorable acts of 7/7, 9/11 in the USA, the Madrid train bombing and now the mass killings in Paris - in the interim we've also had the Danish cartoons, the Pope, various film makers and Charlie Hebdo. But let us return for a second to the Cross in the heading. The Jews too have their own extreme religious element. They're called Hassidic Jews and you can see them shuffling around in long black garments and with long beards in Hatton Garden and Golders Green. But have any of these men got out on the street preaching hate towards the West – or indeed perhaps towards Arab factions against Israel – No! Do any of them, or indeed any Rabbis preach hate from the pulpit here against their fellow countrymen or other Arabs?... No! And now let's get to the Cross: the Christian Cross too is a symbol that many a Jew could choose to rail against. After all, it was Christ's death on the Cross, and blame attached to Jews – even though it was Rome who were responsible for that crucifixion, as with thousands of other Jews - that for two thousand years has seen them systematically killed and persecuted. And the last, I might remind the Muslim community here and beyond, was just 75 years ago in Germany – not some 900 years ago with the Crusades. But do you ever hear of a Jew complaining about the Cross symbol as being offensive, or asking for its removal from places they might visit? No! So, my Muslim friends, if you want to know how to act in this country so as not to get a rising surge of public opinion against you – then, as much is it might be a tough pill to swallow, take a leaf from the Jews who preceded you here – because they did know how to act here. And to any others out there who wave the flag for that same jihadist mentality or terrorists – by doing so, you are in turn waving an anti-flag for your own people and letting them down; by tarring them with that same jihadist brush (and so inflaming more public opinion against them), when indeed I still maintain most Muslims in this country, 97%, are decent, hard-working people who have little interest in this jihad- mentality which is increasingly denigrating their good names. So, to all jihadists, I say - stop it! It's a shot in the foot against your own people, whose good name you are harming and dragging down. ![]() Is Russell Brand responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre? Of course not. Any more than Muslims at large should have felt responsible, which was the absurd comment made by Rupert Murdoch and duly lambasted by others in the media, with even J.K. Rowling finally joining the twitter fray. Nor indeed should Jews or the West at large have felt remotely to blame, by virtue of some obscure knee-jerk retaliation agenda over Iraq and Gaza. Though given the regularity that this is trotted out by the likes of Anjem Choudary, fellow Islamists and arch liberals as being at the core of most jihadist atrocities aimed at the West, perhaps not so obscure. Of course, to keep all these far-left absurdities in check, you can always rely on the equally absurd Fox News, who halfway through their phobic 'Muslims under every bed' style reporting (presumably to replace the 'Reds' now that Russia has embraced capitalism) had a counter-terrorism 'expert' claim that the entire population of Birmingham was Muslim. And as the absurdities reached fever pitch, I suppose it was only a matter of time before Russell Brand joined the fray with his own inane comment, claiming that Muslims in general were no more responsible for the actions of the Charlie Hebdo killers than Christians were responsible for the actions of Bush and Blair. Again, of course not. But unfortunately by drawing that comparison, Brand appears to be buying into the jihadist auto-response that one action (the war in Iraq) leads to or indeed justifies the other. And that is very dangerous ground indeed, because then by extension it can be seen as condoning such retaliations. And if we then include Gaza in that same 'extended blame' melting pot, we can more readily understand why terrorist number 3, when he'd run out of religious cartoonists to target, entered a Jewish supermarket to take hostages, and why Jews in Paris have felt increasingly unsafe this past year. Of course, blaming Jews or the West at large for atrocities against Muslims is pure folly, since as J.K. Rowling correctly pointed out in her tweet to Murdoch, Muslims themselves are responsible for killing eight times more of their fellow Muslims than the West. In Israel's case that fraction is even smaller. In the last few years in Syria alone three times as many Muslims have been killed than in all conflicts with Israel since 1948, including two major wars, without considering the Sudan, the Iran-Iraq war, Lebanon and Libya. So if today's budding jihadist was to select targets based on culpability for the majority of Muslim deaths, why aren't they targeting hilal rather than kosher stores? A somewhat simplistic derivation, but no more simplistic than the causes behind this selectively skewed blame-laying, which seems to have much of its roots in today's increasing sound-bite culture. Highly complex conflicts are quickly stripped to the bone so that the reader doesn't have to waste time deciding which faction is deserving of their recrimination or loathing, with all the necessary damning sound-bites pre-packaged (in case they might, God forbid, just want to be given the facts and make up their own minds) – killing innocent civilians/children, stealing land/oil, war crimes, occupation - so that when repeated they fit neatly into twitter or message board comments. Both Iraq and Israel-Palestine are highly complex conflicts with many factors and counterbalances, yet time and again we see them boiled down into these simplistic and often demonizing sound-bites. Now let's get this straight from the start, I was no fan of the Iraq war, felt it was reckless and foolhardy; the weapons inspectors should have been left to do their job, and even taking on board the second stage aim of ridding Iraq of a brutal dictator, Saddam Hussein, and providing them with a more benign democracy was totally short-sighted: democracy was never going to be adopted either kindly or easily by a Sunni minority of 30% who'd been running the nation the past forty years. Unfortunately, the nation's entire political and security structure of army and police also rested with them, so when it was dismantled and attempts made to replace it with a more Shia based structure, chaos prevailed and the two sides have been fighting over the resulting power vacuum ever since, with coalition forces struggling to bring calm to this chaos and get things back on track towards the originally intended stable democracy. Both the Russians and French, both with more experience of the region, warned this would happen, but the coalition didn't listen. So all of this I hold against the coalition over Iraq, but that's a far stretch from claiming that they purposely went into the country with the aims of warmongering and killing innocent Muslims – yet that is the simplistic sound-bite often levelled at them. In fact the vast majority of Iraqis, some 80-85%, have been killed as a result of the aforementioned Sunni-Shia infighting, the very thing which has constantly thwarted Bush and Blair's 'imposed democracy' intentions. Indeed, if we cast our minds back to the early days of the invasion, there was a 'quiet after the (shock and awe) storm' period in which we saw Iraqis rejoicing to be rid of Saddam and his brutal regime, and there was much hope in that brief period of better things to come; then unfortunately the insurgency started and the clouds darkened again. The most that could therefore be laid at Bush and Blair's door is that they were shortsighted and irresponsible in launching a campaign that might lead to this chaos and bloodshed – but purposeful warmongers intent on attacking innocent Muslim civilians? No. Yet this is the sound-bite which has been bandied about, to such a degree that now Russell Brand finds it perfectly OK to compare them to the Charlie Hebdo killers in drawing parallels between Christian and Muslim culpability at large. Further, he doesn't feel he even needs to offer any explanation, that sound-bite of Bush and Blair 'the warmongers and killers of innocent Muslims' has been spun round the globe so many times by Islamists and left-wing sympathizers on social media that now it's accepted. A given. The same is true with Israel, with simplistic and often misleading and false sound-bites abounding: 'They stole our land', which strives to ignore the 1948 partition or the fact that Jews were actively buying land in Palestine from the 1920s and that now most moderate Palestinians (and Israelis) accept a 'green line' solution. 'Apartheid', when this term is usually used to delineate internal divides and inequality, yet there is no such divide for Israel's 1.6 million mostly Muslim Arabs, 21% of the population – three times the proportion in France – where they enjoy equal Israeli privileges, including joining the police, judiciary and Knesset. And where there are divides and barriers from Palestinian territory, these are purely to deter suicide attacks, in the first 5 years of the new millennium as many as three a month; before this the barriers did not exist. 'Occupation', when there hasn't been a regular Israeli military presence in Gaza for over ten years and the Palestinian Authority have policed the West Bank for the same period (the IDF presence there is minimal and primarily at security checkpoints). And finally 'Purposely targeting and killing our children.' For a whole week during the last Gaza assault, political editor of the Huffington Post, Mehdi Hasan, ran articles claiming that the rising death toll comprised 'mainly children'. When the final UN stats came in, that figure was 25% of the total (under 18s). Still high, but a far cry from 'mainly', and considering that Gaza's under 18 population is 48%, this tended to support Israel's claim that they were 'exercising caution'. If they had been firing indiscriminately, let alone the ridiculous claim of 'purposely targeting', it would have been far closer to that 48%. And while it is true that 'mostly civilians' were killed, final stats showed that the militant/civilian ratio was something like 1 to 2.8, whereas in similar guerilla style wars where fighters are merged with the civilian population, such as Bosnia and Iraq, UN and coalition forces have only managed ratios of 1 to 4; so again this tended to lean towards some due caution. That means no less condemnation over Gaza. That is inherent in the disproportion of Palestinian to Israeli lives lost, however besieged and nerve-frazzled Israelis might have felt after years of rocket attacks. Certainly 'disproportion of attack' will be at the heart of Abbass's upcoming complaint to the ICC; he won't be presenting wildly overcooked claims that Israel purposely targets Palestinian civilians and children. So why do these simplistic and often false sound-bites abound? I think the main reason is that in today's increasing sound-bite leaning culture, these serve those who wish to take a stance one side or the other on a conflict particularly well. They can read a couple of short, sharp demonizing sound-bites which will make up their minds which side to support and allow them to start waving the flag and beating the drum for that side – often by repeating those same demonizing sound-bites – without having to read the full background of that conflict or attempt to take a balanced stance by taking into account both sides. Certainly, if you said to any budding jihadist, 'now sit down and read fully about this conflict, taking into account both sides, then when you're happy go and shoot those cartoonists and lay siege to a Jewish supermarket' – no action would ever take place. No jihadist in their right mind (if that's not a contradiction in terms) would ever take lives, let alone risk their own, on the basis of such muddied, unclear arguments with so many counter-balancing factors. For them those 'battle cry' sound-bites are desperately needed – 'they're insulting our prophet, killing our children' – to spur them into any sort of action. I recall a while ago commenting that the far left and extreme supporters were responsible for as many lives lost as any other party. Why? Because with these simplistic demonizing sound-bites constantly repeated – and the growth of social media to reach billions has helped fuel that – extremists feel duly emboldened by the righteousness of their cause and the grievances against them and are spurred into action once again, with then more rockets fired and tunnels built, which inevitably after a few years brings a response with more lives lost and more recrimination, and the whole cycle continues again. With the aforementioned growth of social media and the fact that now anyone can have a voice and vent an opinion, that was perhaps inevitable. But it is still disturbing to view the sheer volume of people who ardently take one side or the other over a conflict without troubling to study the facts on both sides; there is so often a side-taking nature to it, akin to the 'for-life' adherence usually reserved for football supporters. But we should expect better from journalists and those in the public eye such as Russell Brand and Mehdi Hasan, to give us a more balanced and even-sided view of any conflict, then let us make up our own minds. Not merely repeat the same trite, one-sided, force-feeding sound-bites we can read from any idiot on a message board. After all, that's what they're paid for – or at least that used to be the case when more balanced journalism held sway and journalists were trained to present the full facts of any situation, devoid of simplistic and often demonizing sound-bites to prod readers in one direction or the other. This week we saw free speech come under threat, and the response to that was indeed heartwarming, with over 3 million taking to the streets. But it seems to me that more balanced and even-handed journalism has come under threat these past few years, but in such a slow-drip manner – without the radical event of gunmen storming a magazine office – that perhaps we haven't even noticed. ![]() Below is a collection of comments on the Middle East compiled mostly in the wake of recent events in Israel, Gaza and Syria. Each comment has its own sub-heading. Proportionality of Middle East Conflict reporting (when events in Gaza rather than Syria dominated the news) I think when you have 30,000 press lines a day devoted to a conflict that's cost 2,000 lives and far less on one that's cost 180,000 lives to date, then issues of 'proportionality' then arise. I don't think it's a matter of people caring more about one than the other, it's simply that the press lineage (and the demos) might give the impression that the Palestinian situation is more important than Syria. As for us expecting better from partners we arm, well we supply arms to Qatar and Saudi, and they in turn have been one of the funders of extreme terrorist groups in the ME, including Hamas and ISIS. In fact, the next world cup will be in Qatar. So equally we should expect better of them and demonstrate against their terrorist funding. But one of the most perplexing things about the long history of this conflict is the way in which other territorial displacement in the area has been studiously ignored. Something like 700,000- 800,000 Palestinians were displaced in 1948, and of course a similar number of Jews were displaced from surrounding Arab nations about the same time. Which is an issue rarely ever raised, except by Israeli Jews themselves when the issue of Palestinian right of return arises. But the fact is enormous tracts of land changed hands between the fall of the Ottoman empire in the 1920s and 1948 when Israel was formed, with far larger displacements of people. The borders and populous of many nations in the ME changed in that period, but none more than Saudi Arabia. Most notably most of the Hashemites were displaced and from then on lived in an expanded Jordan (with resultant displacement of some of the populous there). This was particularly significant because that had originally been designated as future Palestinian land and the Hashemites had for 700 years lived in and controlled the region surrounding Mecca. Ibn Saud, the Saudi leader, went on to double the size of Saudi in this period, a nation some 100 times the size of Israel. The numbers displaced through all this was almost 2 million, many times that of the Palestinian displacement, but nary a mention today, and certainly not in the Arab world. That then raises the question that at heart this is a racial-religious issue, which is what Israel has been saying all along; that if other Arab nations and fellow Muslims had caused that displacement - as with the Hashemites in Mecca - rather than Jews, there would be little or no mention of it now, and resultantly no conflict. Certainly the Hashemite expulsion from Mecca gets no mention today. Contrasting claims I've covered this conflict now for thirty years on and off, starting with the days of the Lebanese civil war in the 80s. The truth with these claims on each side usually resides somewhere in the middle. What has to be appreciated is that Hamas control every bit of media coming out of Gaza. File a report that isn't anything more than 80-90% supportive and you won't get let back in to report again. A case in point is the Italian journalist who reported about Hamas using human shields, and he received death threats. Also in recent media reporting we have Mehdi Hassan of the Huffington Post reporting incorrectly for a week that 'mainly children' had been killed in Gaza. When the final stats came out, they reported that nearly 1900 had been killed, of which 385 were children (under 18). Now leaving aside the fact that Hamas use people as young as fourteen, this total is 19%, a far stretch from 'mainly'. Also there was an earlier report that said the children represented 30% of civilians killed at a time when 298 children was the tally and the overall total 1,650. This would mean that 985 civilians had been killed, leaving militants/fighters as the remaining 665. This is taken not only from the main media and UN reports, but those of Al-Jazeera. Now Israel were saying all along that they were exercising caution re civilian casualties. Taking the media slanted reports of 'mainly' children and cherry picking the UN and hospital site hits, this would seem hard to believe. But taking the cold, hard stats, they tend to support this claim. After all, the under 18 population of Gaza is 46%, very high, and if they'd only struck 19% of them, then go figure... if they were striking indiscriminately, as has often been claimed, they would hit nearer that 46%. Also the civilian/militant hit ratio is far better than the coalition has ever reached in Afghanistan or Iraq. Are we to dub them purposeful civilian and child murderers too? Hamas and Likud charters compared It's true that Likud's charter is also extreme, but the devil is in the detail of the wording. Hamas do not recognize in their charter not only the Jewish state, but any form of co-existence. IOW, they see the entire region as a Palestinian-Muslim region with every Jew gone - however unrealistic this aim might be. The Likud charter likewise doesn't recognize Palestine as a 'state', but does clearly state the right of the Palestinian people to self-rule in peace alongside Israel. The difference in wording is significant, because Likud would be quite happy to allow every Palestinian to live in peace alongside Israel with that self-rule and determination. The 'statehood' is feared by Likud simply because that would then entail Palestine having its own air force and navy and the worry as to where that sea and air power might be aimed (after all, where have the home-made rockets so far ben aimed?). Netty has in fact talked not long ago about accepting a Palestinian state, as long as it doesn't include said sea and air power - but this isn't far different to the self-rule in their charter. The bottom line of all this fine tune wording? Is Hamas happy to have Israel alongside it as a state, or even the Jewish people in any form of self-rule status - NO. Neither are acceptable to Hamas. Is Likud happy to have Palestine and its people alongside it? Yes, in self-rule form (as long as they don't constantly fire rockets), but not as a sovereign state with incumbent military might. Land claims The claim of only 6% Jewish land ownership in 1948 is inaccurate at best, totally dishonest at worst. Actual ownership of land was quite low on both sides because most of the Arab-Palestinians living there were tenants to their previous Turkish absentee landlords and their agents and this practice continued up until 1925. Very few Palestinians actually owned their farms or houses. The main plank of dishonesty in representing these figures is that 70% of the land in question was actually government owned, comprising all the arid land, many public and non-fertile areas and some farmland. This 70% was previously owned by the Ottoman government then passed to the British for the their mandate of the area. So if we then follow the exact percentages of the UN partition plan in 1948, about 36% of it would have been ceded to Israeli Jews and 34% to Palestinian Arabs. Of the remaining 30% in private ownership, something like 9% had been purchased by Jews over the years up until 1948, 3% by Arabs who subsequently became Israeli (Druze, Christian Arabs and, yes, many Muslims - 20% of Israel is Arab, 82% of which are Muslim). The remaining 18% were non-Israeli Arabs; however, how many of that 18% were purely Palestinians residing in Palestine and how many were still landlords and owners from neighbouring Arab lands is not specified. Regardless, this is a long way from the picture painted of 94% Palestinian ownership and only 6% Jewish prior to 1948. But if you look at the mainly Palestinian-created documents, they very craftily say 'Palestinian and other ownership'... and neglect to mention that most of that was government held land; first Ottoman, then British; then to be ceded equally between Palestine and Israel at point of partition. How would it be if Jewish created documents and files were headed 'Jewish and "other" ownership', and listed the Palestinian ownership at only 18%? Or even less if the issue of absentee Arab ownership was taken into account. This is essentially dishonest, and it surprises me that so many today simply accept this falsehood as a 'given' without troubling to look deeper into the facts. Here below is a pdf, rather long I'm afraid, that attempts to break the figures down and give a history of land purchase in the area. http://www.wordfromjerusalem.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/the-case-for-israel-appendix2.pdf David and Goliath I actually covered this conflict in another arena - the civil war in the Lebanon - when I was only 26 years old. I had been to Israel three times before that, the first time in the early 70s. At that time it was still viewed as a brave new nation and a popular activity of British students then was to spend summers on a kibbutz. At that stage it had not long recovered from fending off various hostile Arab neighbours, so it was very much seen as the David and their neighbours as the Goliaths. Then came the waves of suicide bombings, the wall was built, Israeli defence became mightier, and as the Palestinians became increasingly isolated they became the Davids in this battle - and of course British students these days are more likely to protest in front of the London Israeli embassy. So the main constant here appears to be that British trait of having a soft spot for the underdogs in any situation. 35-40 years ago it was seen as Israel, a small and brave new nation surrounded by numerous hostile Arab neighbours, now it's the Palestinians. A different approach to long-term peace The entire framework of land exchanged for peace was laid down at Camp David and Taba, and indeed I'm an avid supporter of 'green line' adherence. But the intifadas then muddied the waters, and the key problem now is that the more aggressive groups like Hamas appear to be, the more Israel argues to hang on to those occupied areas over the green line as some sort of 'buffer' zones. I also think the settlers are an enormous fly in the ointment. I actually drafted some elements towards a peace plan a while back (I used to be editor for European Brief, the main magazine for the European Parliament, and have been involved in ME debates and editorials many times over the years, which helped guide the cornerstones of this plan). In essence this plan would allow the settlers to stay, but as long as double that number of Palestinians were allowed right of return on a residency basis. Both parties would continue to vote for their national elections (Palestinians for Palestinian elections and Israeli settlers for Israeli), but their vote would count in the local elections of where they lived. This then would bypass the problem Israel has of allowing right of return because it might sway voting in the Knesset towards a Hamas style govt. But in essence a Palestinian's main interests should be in their nation's ruling party in Palestine and likewise an Israeli's in Israel. Neither side should have interest in trying to influence the other's ruling govt. There would be accompanying enormous aid package to provide decent housing for the Palestinians, and this should also spread to comparable decent housing in the Lebanon, etc., should they decide to stay in those regions. IOW, no refugee camps and decent housing replacing all, with the Palestinians having the choice of where to live. Either where they were now or return to regions of Israel. That settler land would then also become Palestinian territory, and their paying in to the Palestinian economy rather than Israel would further aid the Palestinian situation. After all, the insistence that every Jew/Israeli should be expelled to the Israeli side before peace can be agreed is as apartheid as the suggestion the other way that every Palestinian shall remain their side. This solution also therefore offers a far faster route to peace. 'Palestinian' The term 'Palestinian' does have historical connotations, but not in the way it's used now. Indeed that term was used as much by the Jews of the region in the 1920s as it was by the Arab population. But when the post Balfour partition plans were initially set in place, the region that's now the West Bank was called Transjordan and the people there considered themselves Jordanian, and the area that's now Gaza was part of Egypt and the people there considered themselves Egyptian. Yasser Arafat was in fact Egyptian rather than Palestinian per se. Then came the 1948 partition plan from the UN, but none of the surrounding Arab nations were willing to accept it, so they attacked Israel. If they had won, then Israel would have ceased to exist unless the UN had been prepared to go in and enforce their separation plan (which appeared unlikely). A Palestinian friend and contact who now works in the New York office monitoring Jewish settler activity explained that one of the key reasons the surrounding Arab armies lost was lack of coordination. 'The main fear then was Hashemite expansion from Jordan, so the Egyptian army tried to advance forward as fast and soon as possible. It was never considered that Israel would actually win because their army then was too small, so the thought was that wherever the armies ended up, that would be the dividing line for future territories.' He went on to say that he didn't think those surrounding nations would have ever formed an independent Palestine from that territory, it would simply have been expanded Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian territory. A telling factor in that regard is the West Bank territory held by Jordan after 1948, including Jerusalem.There was never an attempt to make an independent Palestine in that time. It was simply held as extra Jordanian territory.' There was then the war of 1967 in which the surrounding Arab armies tried again, and it was only after this that the term 'Palestinian' was coined, because at this stage they'd finally given up on turning it into extra Jordanian, Egyptian and Syrian territory. Jordan then not long after ceded that West Bank territory 'in absencia' to the Palestinians. Then why not before, when they actually had hold of that territory? There is much about this conflict that UK Muslims and many of today's UK student populous are simply not aware of. When it gets to the stage that their views are more extreme than informed Palestinians like my friend, it becomes very worrying indeed. The recent incursion in Gaza As for the rockets, they have continually fired over Sderot and Southern Israel since 2005, so 9 years now. This has been at a rate of about 30-60 a month, but at times of escalated conflict they increase. At the time of the teenagers being kidnapped and retaliations, they increased to 50-100 a day. But I believe the main reason for the incursion was Israeli's growing panic over the tunnels and fear of increased attacks and kidnappings. In fact Shin Bet uncovered a plot by which the tunnels would be used to send in hundreds of fighters for an attack similar to the Pakistan jihad attacks we saw in Mumbai years ago. This is apparently what sent Israel into panic mode, otherwise I think they'd have kept up enduring the rockets - after all they'd done just that for the past 5 years. Or answer them simply with low fly-by fighter jet passes without attack, as they used to do years ago. As for Hamas's need to exist, there has been perfectly good 'resistance' in the form of Abbas and Fatah for many years now which has seen the West Bank prosper. If Hamas had taken a leaf out of that book and built schools, hospitals and light industry parks instead of tunnels to attack Israel, they too would have benefited. There is the offer in fact of $50 billion in aid if Hamas will relinquish violence and try and co-exist with Israel, But thus far they have refused because they see their own end game of ridding the area of every single Jew as far more important than the lives and welfare of fellow Palestinians. It's a bit like asking ISIS to relinquish violence and recognize other religions; it isn't going to happen. Some interesting comment about Hamas's overall aims here from no less than the son of a Hamas founder. It unfortunately carries worrying similarities to ISIS. http://therightscoop.com/son-of-hamas-founder-tells-cnn-the-true-intentions-of-hamas/ Aid monitoring After the last incursion in Gaza 5 years ago, many millions of dollars in aid was sent to Gaza. But unfortunately we see that much of that was spent on terror tunnels and rockets rather than helping the local population. And without doubt if it wasn't for those rockets and terror tunnels the current attack wouldn't have happened and no Palestinian lives would have been lost. So this time perhaps the international community should lay strict conditions on that aid that not a penny be spent on terrorist aims, because to do so further endangers the Palestinian people. Ghandi comments The full text of Ghandi's speech in fact gives a far more balanced view than him being one way or the other over Israel-Palestine. In one part he says his sympathies are overall with the Jews, though he feels the way it has been gone about has been wrong. I think in a way he's as much complaining about British intervention and the way they carved out territories in that period (as they had India) as anything else. However, if we were then to denounce the partition and acquisition of land to suit a particular race or religion (particularly apt in light of Ghandi's comments), then we would have to denounce the formation of Pakistan, in very much the same period, 1947-1948, as Israel's partition and formation. Tellingly, some 2 million lost their lives in that partition, many of them Indian. Something like 40 million Indians were displaced or lost their homes. Though to this day they are avowed enemies, do we hear cries of Pakistanis being land grabbers, illegal occupiers or Nazis? No. Full link to Ghandi speech here: http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/opinion/22-Jul-2014/mahatma-gandhi-on-palestine I thought I should clear matters up by issuing this disclaimer right at the outset: 'No, the character of French MEP Alain Duclos in Past Imperfect is not based on British MEP, Leon Brittan, either loosely or otherwise.' But why would it be necessary for me to offer such a disclaimer, you may well ask? To explain this would require going back to the late 90s when I started writing 'Past Imperfect'. At that time I was working as an editor at European Brief, the main magazine for the European Parliament. Now, yes, like many others working in political circles I had heard certain rumours, but to outright state that the central baddie in Past Imperfect, Alain Duclos - a young Public Prosecutor who later goes on to become a prominent politician and MEP - is based on one political character or another would be errant and foolhardy of me.
Possibly it's the MEP connection, possibly it's Duclos' long and sordid history with the molestation of young boys - but I didn't appreciate how strongly that link had evolved in the minds of many (particularly journalists and those in political circles) until I was involved in initial publicity for the book and was speaking to a Sunday Times journalist. 'Mmmm, sounds to me like this Duclos character has been inspired by Leon Brittan,' he said. 'I couldn't possibly comment,' I responded in coy Francis Urquhart mode, then followed up with a more forthright denial. Still it wasn't sufficient to stop speculation because later that day another more senior editor phoned me back: 'I hear you're the chap who has just written an expose book on politician Leon Brittan.' I was quick to assure that I wasn't and that in fact Past Imperfect was pure fiction, slipping quickly into the standard denial, 'and any resemblance to characters either living or dead is purely coincidental.' He didn't sound wholly convinced. 'Shame,' he mused. 'We've sent out three investigative journalists at different times and still haven't managed to nail that bastard.' These conversations took place in the late 90s. Since then, Past Imperfect went on to become a bestseller, and little was heard about the Leon Brittan connection until just recently, when I received another call from a past fellow journalist. 'Looks like they've finally caught up with Leon Brittan - he's all over the news.' I switched on the TV. The story was on every channel, and covered the tabloids the next morning. In particular what struck me was the central allegation that an MP had passed Leon Brittan a dossier naming 105 people as part of a suspected paedophile ring, and said file then mysteriously disappeared. Now rumour is one thing and fact is another, and I have never been foolish enough to confuse the two. But what struck me immediately with this story is that if I, a humble political editor back in the 90s, had heard these rumours, and that indeed they were rife in political and journalistic circles - then certainly a Westminster MP would have also heard them. Even Private Eye a while back had a front page satirical stab at Leon Brittan responding to a Downing Street policeman's request to 'accompany him': 'No, you're far too old for me.' So what on earth was this MP doing handing over a file to a person central to these rumours? It makes no sense. And now we hear that those files mysteriously disappeared, which indeed does make far more sense (if the rumours are to be believed). But again I reiterate: 'Past Imperfect is totally fictional with the aim solely of entertaining.' Though no less entertaining than the circus of obfuscation and trite political denials which will no doubt arise as this latest drama unfolds. ![]() I was asked by the good people at Exhibit A to prepare a suitable blog post comment for their Twelve Days of Christmas site. Having prepared it, I saw on the TV last night the hilarious 'reverse play' version of a Christmas Carol on Blackadder; whereby he's generous to begin with, then has a worldly (and drunk!) messenger in the shape of Robbie Coltrane come and visit him and show him that if he didn't wise up and become a bit sharper, he'd be left with nothing for Christmases in the future. Hilarious, but in Victorian times we're reminded that it was one of the first main learning curves of social injustice, so I felt it was both apt for the time of year and the series of period thrillers I was now writing. Here's the blog in in its original form, along with a link for you to be able to grab your Christmas Coupons: Exhibit A blog Reviews and links for Letters From a Murderer here >>>> We’re often reminded that one of the key elements of Christmas is that it’s a season of goodwill and good cheer to all our fellow men. The season not just to be merry but kind in spirit too; and by that I don’t mean an extra case of beer or whisky, but acts of kindness of the soul. In writing an historical thriller series, one ‘spirit’ I felt close by my shoulder throughout was indeed Charles Dickens. Not only as one of the leading Victorian authors, but also because he was one of my heroes; and not solely due to his writing ability. If that was the case, then John Fowles or Dennis Lehane would have been higher on the ‘hero’ list. It was because through his writing, Dickens was such a champion of social justice. He made Victorian society more aware of the plight of child chimney sweeps and child labour in general; of work houses, debtor’s prisons and the terrible inadequacies and injustices that took place in orphanages at the time. Much of this indeed was written from Dickens’ personal experiences; he had himself spent some time in an orphanage and his father had been in a debtor’s prison for a spell. Whether through his writing or it coinciding with an uplift in Victorian ‘social conscience’, in the late 1800s the number of charities for the poor increased ten-fold. Showing by example the same shades of social injustice of this era helped me greatly in writing ‘Letters from a Murderer’. I felt that many previous books featuring ‘Ripper’ victims had not shown them in a particularly kind light. Little or no empathy was developed for them; often the main focus was on the gore and brutality of the murders, almost as if having chosen to be street prostitutes they had automatically exposed themselves to such risk. Through Ellie Cullen and her commune I wanted to bring home to readers that often for women of that era there was little choice; it was either work the streets or let your kids starve. Once that more noble cause has been identified, reader empathy for Ellie and her commune starts to grow, and Jameson and Argenti too have ‘soft spots’ for those less fortunate or might have fallen from grace. Jameson’s own mother was committed to London’s Bedlam and Argenti’s sister had been a showgirl and prostitute. Of course, the prospect of kids ailing or starving was something Dickens played on heavily in Oliver Twist, but perhaps none more so than with ‘Tiny Tim’ in a Christmas Carol. Here in Dickens’ perennial Christmas favourite, he stabbed readers’ hearts with a spit-roast stave at the prospect of this poor crippled boy facing yet another lean Christmas. And as Scrooge gets a view of that through his ‘Ghost of Christmases Past’ visions, his conscience too is stabbed to (for once in his miserable life) do the right thing. With the gift of that same ‘Scrooge-like’ hindsight, and knowing as we do how Victorian attitudes changed through that era, it makes me wonder whether indeed Dickens used Scrooge as representative of that changing mode of Victorian thought regarding social injustice. Or is that just me, as a writer, trying to tie up all the loose ends and add due perspective as once again we approach the season of goodwill. ![]() In the course of writing The Second Amendment, an alternative proposal for Gun Control started to take shape. After all, I felt there would be little point in having such a controversial issue in the spotlight without any possible solution also on the table. After contact with several gun control groups, six months ago it was suggested that I try and shape that proposal into something which could be put before Congress. Further research and contact with interested parties has added some enhancement, but the core proposal remains unchanged. In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, the call for something to finally be done has of course increased. I personally have been involved in signing two petitions to the White House, one of which already has over 500,000 signatures (far more than the 100,000 asking for Piers Morgan's deportation, I might add :) Again I was asked to finalize my own proposal for Congress, to serve either as a rider or follow-up to these petitions. Anyone who knows the background to the writing of The Second Amendment and my lobbying efforts and comments since, will also know that part of this proposal is based on Swizerland's 'at home' private militia. It is indeed ironic that the NRA has ofted cited Switzerland as an ideal example of a nation with a high gun ratio yet a low gun crime rate, as if to support that there is no correlation between the two. However, Switzerland's guns are strictly controlled along the lines set out below and their model is in fact far closer to the original ethos of the 2nd Amendment than the current free-for-all in the USA. It's also worth noting that the following proposal falls in line with recent US Supreme Court rulings that the 'right' of US citizens to bear arms may also be for personal protection and security, not just for national militia/security reasons. Ten-point plan: 1. Every US home to have a gun (with current 'clearance' procedures observed). In most cases this would be a hand gun (range of choice of .38, 9mm and .45 caliber). Some may opt to have a single-shot rifle instead. 2. All weapons to be kept at home in a pin-number controlled lock-box. Those anti-gun who do not wish to have a gun at home may opt to have their weapon held in store by an elected neighbourhood-watch warden (store also pin-control locked). 3. No guns under any circumstances to be carried in the open on the streets. Current 'conceal carry' laws in certain States to be revoked. The only exception would be some hunting, farming and 'open range' areas. 4. Strict induction and training in use of the weapons, along with signed agreement as to their use: only for national security, should the nation come under threat, or for personal protection of life, limb or property. 5. If the pin-controlled boxes are opened, an alarm sounds with local police and with local wardens. This then would have the effect of calling assistance in the case of threat; but in the case of wrongful use (such as shooting a neighbour, family member or fellow US citizen outside of purely personal protection) could lead to arrest and conviction. 6. Mid-level neighbourhood wardens could have both a handgun and a rifle in their care under pin-lock. High-level neighbourhood wardens could also hold semi-automatic or assault rifles. These local wardens would be elected between the local police and neighbours, and would also normally have had police, military or gun association training. 7. The general aim would be to have an effective and highly-trained private militia force, on call and ready in the face of any national threat or emergency. While at the same time giving sufficient provision for private US citizens to protect their own family and property from threat or attack. 8. Amnesty on all guns currently in circulation. In many cases these could be exchanged for the newly-designated lock-box guns or rifles. This amnesty would be without questioning of individuals or recrimination, penalty, fines or charges for any illegal weapons handed in. 9. Heavy penalties and charges for anyone carrying illegal weapons after the amnesty period, or for carrying weapons on the streets, towns or in urban areas. 3-5 year minimum penalties. It is accepted that even with an amnesty in place coupled with stricter control laws, it could take some time to see a reduction in the number of illegal guns. However, in the meantime US citizens would be fully protected by having their own guns at home, as well as fuller training as to their use and a more effective neighbourhood back-up force in the case of emergency (national or private). 10. Individual States may wish to propose the use of 'smart guns' as the at-home weapon of choice for individuals. These would have radio-controlled firing mechanisms which would prevent them from being fired beyond a certain radius of the designated home. Advantages A. The proposal falls more in line with the original ethos of the 2nd Amendment and would provide for a far more efficient private militia force than the current free-for-all whereby 98% of gun attacks are against fellow US citizens. B. The induction and training would further bolster and enhance that private militia force, as well as generally teach people more respect regarding use of their guns, in terms of both safety and proficiency. C. The pin-controlled boxes would at the same time protect the guns from theft by house-robbers or the danger of children gaining access to them (an increasing problem). In summary, if indeed this or a similar proposal was adopted, it is perhaps suitably ironic that a return to the 'grass roots ethos' of The Second Amendment would not only create a stronger, more proficient and 'well-regulated' private militia force, which was the original intention, it would also lead to saving an increasing number of US lives. ![]() With Aurora and now Newtown, will the US legislature finally take action over gun control? If they don’t, it starts to look unlikely that they ever will. Partly inspired by the Oklahoma bombing – a right-wing attack on an ATF building stemming from what they saw as increasing government legislation to take their guns away – it's now twelve years since I wrote the Second Amendment. What should be recalled is that pre-911, the Oklahoma bombing was the single largest terrorist attack to take place on American soil. Now we all know what happened after 911: the USA took up arms against two nations – Afghanistan and Iraq. Did they make a similar purge against far right gun activists after the Oklahoma bombing? Quite the opposite. Years of appeasement to strong gun and lobby groups such as the NRA and GOA followed, including the lapsing of a ban on semi-automatic assault rifles that President Clinton had steered through Congress. We can now only sadly reflect that without that appeasement, incidents such as Aurora this summer and Newtown only a week before Christmas might well not have happened. And the reason for that appeasement? Gun owners and pro-gun advocates form an important part of any State electorate, so politicians are wary of upsetting them. Indeed, the cinema shooting in Aurora took place in the midst of the run-up to the recent elections, but still when asked by journalists whether gun control would form a part of their election platform, both Democratic and Republican representatives were loathe to make any forthright comments. Only with a far more atrocious gun incident and the lives of 20 young children lost was there finally a strong statement from the White House on the topic. ‘That’s only because the election were over and their positions were secure,’ a cynic might comment. And now we see even further arch-right reactions to anyone daring to mention gun control, with a petition asking for Piers Morgan’s extradition from the USA. Thereby proving that to certain people the rights enshrined in The Second Amendment eclipse all else – including First Amendment rights. Indeed, in my own small way, I have seen good reason for that wariness with some of the down-vote review reactions to The Second Amendment – the modern-day version of book-burning, far-right style. ‘Another Michael Moore feeble brain’ one swiped (I noted that he suffered the same with far-right reactions to ‘Bowling for Columbine’); ‘Cars kill more people – why not ban them?’ says another. Yep, the arguments have become even less credible since the days when some Neanderthal commented, ‘It’s not guns that kill people, it’s people,’ and countless gun advocates latched onto it as a cogent, intelligent catch-phrase to repeat. But thankfully other readers have grasped the intent and aim of The Second Amendment and made insightful, balanced comment: ‘I feel like this book should be required reading for the American legislature. Maybe then the trend of random deaths and ever escalating death toll in homes, cities and schools could be reversed. To people living outside the USA, their love affair with guns seems madness. To American citizens it appears to be a rational reaction to an ever-increasing fear of gun crime and violence. Who is right? Both sides? Neither? John Matthews appears to have an alternative answer that addresses all the concerns raised by both sides of the debate...’ Reading these supportive reviews, I’m encouraged that I’m on the right track and should ignore getting called a knee-jerk liberal, a Commie (didn’t anyone tell them that ‘reds under the beds’ paranoia went out with McCarthy??) and the email threats. It’s no wonder given the furore at even the mention of ‘gun control’ that Michael Moore went to a Canadian company, ‘Salter Street Productions’ to make ‘Bowling for Columbine’. Make an anti-gun comment and you’re likely to go on an NRA ‘hit list’ that members should not support or give custom to. On that list are now a number of leading corporations along with half of Hollywood. It got to the stage where it became an insult ‘not’ to be on the list, with Dustin Hoffman wryly complaining that his credibility might have taken a knock by not being included. As one Canadian journalist who read and reviewed The Second Amendment commented, it becomes obvious that many far-right reviewers had obviously not read the book, because if they had they’d have seen that the final solution hit upon is for a gun in every home. Simply with more effective control that might save lives. But what forged my interest in gun control in the first place? I suppose it goes way back to when John Lennon was shot in New York. A lot of Brits at the time thought that if he’d stayed in the UK, it wouldn’t have happened. But Americans have a number of their own celebrity and political victims to point to the need for stricter gun control: Abraham Lincoln, McKinley, John and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye and Senator Brady. Not long after John Lennon’s murder I emigrated with my family to Canada and while there regularly visited the USA on business trips and holidays. Canada was an interesting place to view the situation in the USA with guns. 80% of all Canadians live within 50 miles of the US border and cross it regularly. However, they also become keenly aware of the difference in crime rates when they cross. Vancouver to Seattle the murder rate was three times higher. But make the trip between Southern Ontario and Detroit and the murder rate was almost ten times higher. So it was something that became a topic de jour amongst Canadians. Guns are allowed in Canada, but strictly within the home. Whereas the USA allows ‘concealed carry’ in most states as well as semi-automatic rifles. A move towards the Canadian model of gun law would be a start, and indeed would also satisfy The Second Amendment. When drafted, there was no such thing as semi-automatic weapons and there was no provision for guns to be carried liberally in the open. Indeed the main condition was to be part of a ‘well-regulated militia’ – but I’ll come to that later. There was an interesting series of articles on gun control in the major Canadian newspapers while I was there in the 1980s. In particular one story of a Toronto IBM executive stood out. Middle-class, responsible, with a wife and two kids, he suffered a house robbery one day and so applied to have a hand-gun in the house. Readily approved, he decided to learn how to use it and so joined a gun club, which he regularly attended. Then one day he had a massive argument with his wife and in a rash moment found himself reaching for the bedside drawer with the gun. His hand had hardly touched the gun before he found himself recoiling in horror. The gun was packed off out of the house that same day. But he found himself asking the question: how many people might feel similarly intimidated by a gun in the house and the power it gave over others? And how many might not stop themselves at that final, vital moment in the midst of a blind rage? The answers to that, for anyone truly honest with themselves, are uncomfortable. Even if a person might consider themselves to be responsible and fully balanced, can they hand on heart say that they have always been so and cannot recall a single moment when they might have felt emotionally or mentally challenged? And if they are such supreme beings that they have never been guilty of such a moment, can they say the same of all of their neighbours and people they know? That guy from four doors down who sometimes gives them a strange look. The teen from round the block with a sly smile, not to mention some of the cagey-looking friends he hangs out with. And what about that guy from work who went off the rails a few years back? If an NRA or GOA member can think of a single person who might fit into such a category, then they do in fact believe in gun control – only they haven’t realized it yet. When I tweeted recently about the Newtown massacre, one pro-gunner retorted, ‘I haven’t shot any kids or harmed anyone, so why should my Constitutional right to have guns be effected?’ Personally, if I could turn the clock back, I’d be willing to give up my right testicle to save the lives of twenty school-kids – so someone bleating about their ‘constitutional rights’ doesn’t cut it, I’m afraid. But if we are talking about ‘rights’, then what about having equal rights for visitors to the USA, who right now have no choice but to go in unarmed. Turn up at JFK or LAX packing a gun and you’ll be put on the first flight back and added to an ‘undesirables and terrorists’ list. Just last year two tourists in their twenties were shot and killed when they wandered into the wrong part of Sarasota, Florida. Taken to a ridiculous extreme, in order for tourists to have equal protection maybe guns could be provided with rental cars? You can just imagine the scene at the local Avis check-in. ‘This is one of our most popular models and comes complete with a .38 and two rounds of ammunition. Please also consult our map for advised ‘no-go’ areas. But if you do end up having to shoot anyone, please fill in the portion of our ‘accident and incident’ form allocated for that.’ A ridiculous example? Yes. But it serves as an illustration of how ludicrous it could become if the same paranoia now evident amongst many US citizens – ‘too many guns already out there, so I gotta have my own’ – was extended to ‘every’ citizen. A ‘Can’t beat them so must join them’ policy with no limits is a rocky route to go. But I’m keenly aware that it could take some time for any control and linked gun amnesties to have any effect, even if the statutory rights guaranteed by The Second Amendment could be adequately addressed. The wording of the Second Amendment is in fact unequivocal: it states clearly that the preservation of a ‘A well regulated militia’ is at the heart of why the right to bear arms ‘shall not be infringed’. It says nothing about pursuit of crime or shooting neighbours, rival gangs or family members, which now comprise 98% of shootings in the USA. So how do we return to the core principles set out by the original drafters of the Constitution? I looked at a number of other nations, but the one to shine through was Switzerland. With its neutrality dating back to the 17th Century, a private ‘at-home’ militia has been the main replacement for Switzerland’s standing army. In practical terms this means that many Swiss males have guns at home which are to be taken out only in the advent of the nation coming under threat. The guns are strictly regulated and there’s also rigorous induction and training as to their use. There’s an amusing anecdote from World War One when apparently the German Kaiser asked what the quarter of a million Swiss militiamen would do if invaded by half a million German soldiers. The head of the Swiss militia replied succinctly: ‘Shoot twice and go home.’ To all intents and purposes the Swiss model more closely resembles the ‘well regulated militia’ defined in the American Constitution rather than the free-for-all of crime, gang, neighbourhood and schoolyard shootings that currently exists. But how to get such a system integrated into US society? Designated guns at home would certainly cut down on the annual murder rate. And the induction and training would not only fall more in line with the original ‘militia’ ethos of the Constitution, but would also teach people more respect for their guns. Strict driving instruction and codes are insisted upon before allowing anyone out on the highway with a vehicle, why not for something as lethal as a gun? This is something the NRA and GOA should fully support if they truly believe in more ‘responsible’ use by gun owners. The Swiss model has all guns under lock and key at militia homes. But would that be enough to deter misuse in the USA, despite the strict induction that they only be used in the case of national emergency or defence of life and property? One suggestion has been a pin-coded lock-box, but with an added security twist: tap in that pin number and it alerts the local police (or designated militia security unit). So take out that gun for defence and you’ll soon have back-up. Take it out for any other use and you’ll have just precipitated your arrest. As for semi-automatics, perhaps this should carry an extra level of security. Only to be held by locally designated militia wardens: those more trusted, perhaps police or army trained, and with an extra level of pin-number security. Another suggestion made in the course of research of The Second Amendment was for ‘smart guns’. Guns with a radio-controlled firing mechanism which only allows them to be fired within the radius of a home or at designated locations. In the age of micro-electronics and with empty space in most gun butts, certainly a possibility. This is a move that most gun manufacturers would also get strongly behind. One of the biggest opponents to gun control are gun manufacturers fearing declining sales, and so they actively fund and lobby through the NRA and GOA (in the same way that the tobacco lobby fought hard). But this could in fact lead to a new generation in ‘smart guns’ which could enliven their production and lead to fresh sales. These issues are at the heart of the thesis/proposed Bill in The Second Amendment which draws the battle lines between a White House keen to see them implemented and an ultra-right hell-bent on seeing them scuttled. But one of the first main stumbling blocks of any Congress Bill is how to get all the ‘recently designated illegal’ guns currently in circulation replaced for legally designated militia guns or smart guns? Perhaps some form of exchange and amnesty programme, coupled with strong fines and prison terms for those not adhering to it? Australia a while ago had such an amnesty and only months back Brazil set out on a programme of ‘gun hand-in and collection’ in order to make it a safer place in the run-up to the next Olympics. If Australia and Brazil can do it, then why not the USA? Surely that ‘can-do’ spirit, which made the country so great to begin with, is still alive there today? * * * The Second Amendment is available on the following links: USA: The Second Amendment #1 The Second Amendment #2 UK: The Second Amendment #1 The Second Amendment #2 _ ![]() As Christmas approaches, perhaps there are some advantages publishers and retailers have overlooked with the burgeoning ebook market? I was reminded the other day that 17 years ago I developed one of the first ever online magazines. Sounds like a bold claim? So let me take a couple of steps back. At the time I was running two glossy design and architectural magazines, and together with a partner we came up with the brainwave of an online magazine. British Telecom showed early interest because it could be a handy adjunct for their plans to expand video-telephony, but broadband was at that point undeveloped on a wide-scale (ISDN was the only option), so picture quality and speed was restrictive. Enter into the fray, Reuters, who did have a broadband network for news-feeds and financial data and were attracted by the idea of their traders having an online magazine to shop for anything from a bottle of wine to a Porsche in between trades. So I designed and developed the first online magazine prototype for Reuters simply because at that time few had the bandwidth to carry it and the internet was in its infancy. The internet was in fact what led to the project stalling a year later because Reuters - and rightly so - wanted to 'wait and see' how that developed. So meanwhile I joined a political magazine and wrote another book, and suddenly I had both feet back in the print-publishing camp - again. In the following years as the internet developed there was much talk about print books becoming redundant and electronic media taking over completely. But for me, two factors would always hold this back: many people worked all week on a computer, so the last thing they'd want to do is spend their leisure time also strapped to a computer. Second, portability. The ease and feel and portability of a book, easily read on a train or on the beach, was one of its main attractions. Then along came Kindle, Kobo and Nook and these issues were addressed to varying degrees. But as these products made stronger inroads into the marketplace, the last bastion of resistance didn't come from c0nsumers, but from publishers and retailers. And, taken on face value, that resistance makes sense: having built their empires on a system revolving around the printing and distribution of paper books, the emergence of an alternative which could distribute that same product directly to consumers in milliseconds - thereby cutting them out 0f the cycle - had, for them, distinctly worrying implications. But I don't think enough publishers are thinking about this threat laterally by at the same time looking at its advantages, in particular in addressing an even deeper, long-standing industry concern: print and distribution costs. This was something I was keenly aware of from my magazine days: 60% of our revenue went on print and production costs. I also recall one of my first book editors, Richard Evans (who also edited Terry Pratchett) complaining that booksellers often only noticed the returns on a book rather than how many were sold overall. So a book that sold 80% of its 100,000 print run, unfortunately what stuck predominantly in bookseller's minds was the 20,000 returned rather than the 80,000 sold. So, one target right there for publishers: if they can shift half their sales to ebooks where returns are nil, that would effectively halve their paper returns ratio - surely an advantage? But so many publishers are focused purely on the threat or are busy adopting high ebook mark-ups to protect their main print market, that all too often these side advantages are being missed. One of these, as we approach Christmas, comes keenly into focus: packaging. Buying a book for a child, it's hard to say: 'I sent that book directly to your Kindle. Didn't you get it?' Not being able to see, touch and physically unwrap a present simply doesn't have the same feel to it. It becomes somewhat detached, sterile. The expectation and mystique long associated with Christmas gifts is lost. But if publishers and retailers could work out ways of packaging their ebooks as gifts - along the lines seen with CD packaging - it could breathe new life into the ebook market for high street retailers. Indeed, ebooks could be downloaded directly from distributors - all that would be needed in-store would be quick-fold covers and cases. Again, no returns. And with a touch more lateral thinking, ebook packaging could also be the next stage in enlivening the BOGOF (buy-one-get-one-free) market. After all, the cost of including an additional ebook with either an existing ebook or print book would be minimal. But while the industry is focused mainly on trade-protecting against market disadvantages, that sort of lateral-advantage thinking might be slow in arriving. ![]() Brand name authors increasingly dominate the bookshop front rows - though at least in one respect Kindle Indies have the last laugh. Last year when I first put my back-list titles on Kindle, I also sent a notification to my email list. Now amongst those were several crime and mystery reading groups in the USA, many of which had their periodic get-togethers in local bookstores. Some duly responded with thank-yous for the notification, but one lashed back: 'How dare you send this to us! It's people like Amazon Kindle who are putting us small independent bookstores out of business.' Now at the other end of the scale, Kindle has been tremendous for many writers. Established writers have seen a whole new audience opened up with the advent of kindle - but the real boon has been to fledgling authors previously unpublished. Some/many, readers might argue, should have remained that way - unpublished; but in turn some/many are very worthy. Look at the various 'Indie' author blogs and comments and you'll see heartbreak tales of writers trying for years to get published without success. And just at the point of starvation or when they're about to jump off a bridge from the constant rejection, the shining knight in armour of kindle rides up to the rescue. Heartwarming tales indeed. But what I found ironic about this bookseller's retaliatory comment was that it has in fact been the 'greed' of bookshops which has brought about this cycle. A strange word to use, 'greed', you might say, in the advent of so many bookshops fighting for their lives, and the likes of Borders going to the wall not so long ago. So let me explain. The business of selling books has increasingly been driven by 'promotions' the past 15 years. Now in the mid 1990's, though these frontline bookshop promotions were paid for, the costs were not excessive and most publishers could budget them in comfortably for a new author. Also they gave opportunites for new authors to 'price-compete' because invariably the new Grisham or Clancy title would be sold at full price (they were far too grandiose to get themselves involved in the tawdry business of discounting). So a publisher could list a new author at 20-25% below the latest Grisham or Clancy, and if exposed on the front line of bookstores, sales could be very bullish indeed. But then two things happened: year by year the costs of front-line promotions went up (now a decent book-chain promotion can cost anything from $10,000 - $30,000) - so to hit bookstores on a multiple basis, the outlay can be $100,000 or more. Then the major authors also discovered that price discounting could greatly boost their sales, so they wanted first dibs on these; or perhaps their publishers made those decisions for them. However, as any agent will tell you: if a book is NOT promoted and does not get on that front line in the bookstores, the chances of it selling well are low. And that's even more acute for a new author. A well known author stands a good chance of selling well from the back rows. But reverse that position and imagine you're a little known author selling from the back rows of a bookstore at full price, while the front rows are dominated by brand name authors selling at a discount or 2 for 1. I recall the ex-MD of Penguin UK, Helen Fraser, lamenting how it had unfortunately become (largely as a result of these bookstore price-promotion policies) an 'All or nothing' game. The costs of getting into these bookstore promotions were so high and the resultant risk so great to launch new authors that increasingly publishers were shying away from even attempting to do so. And so we return full circle to the Indie author with a worthwhile book losing the will to live after countless rejections, with some insight now to the backdrop as to why this is happening. So, paradoxically, we have a price-promotion strategy starting as a bookstore ethos which when passed on to publishers makes them cut back on the new authors they take on. Kindle then arrives and opens up new opportunities for those previously unpublished authors, and as it develops starts to threaten the bookstores and the very structure of traditional publishing which originally closed so many doors to them. A certain poetic irony, you might say. 'Karma in practice' and the 'Goths and Rome cycle all over again'; and all the other worn comments that probably sound better after a doobie or two. When like half of the world I heard about the E.L. James Fifty Shades of Grey boom, I thought to myself: West London housewife, she probably sent it off to a London agent and, hey presto, she got a book deal from a major publisher en route to world domination. Wrong!
Then I read that she was in fact a self-publishing sensation, until a leading blogger commented that she'd never heard of E.L. James before seeing stacks of her books piled high in her local bookstore. And this from a leading US blogger who prided herself on keeping abreast of the leading Indie authors. So, wrong again! In the end I heard the full account from my agent over dinner a few weeks back. Fifty Shades in fact started life as fan fiction based loosely on Twilight. She built up a steady online audience through weekly instalments, and at some stage the transition came to serious standalone erotic fiction. In the midst of this an agent did in fact approach London publishers, who roundly told her to get lost. Same story too in the USA. Too this, too that, not enough this, too much of that... the old familar comments that are now cliched at a time when 'cliche' seems to be the in word with editors: cliched characters, cliched plots, scenes, etc. Along the way she then teamed up with a small Austalian ebook publisher, almost a literary blog community - by which time she had two books in the final trilogy finished. This small ebook publisher managed to sell 75,000 copies, a whopping result for the Australian market. It then swung back to US publishers, then UK -- some of whom had in fact given it the thumbs down 18 months previous. A 'transitional', unconventional publishing route to say the least - so not easy to categorize simply as self, small press or trad published. In the end it appears to have been 'fifty shades' of all three. Converting your printed book to Kindle through optical scanning? Think again.
Last year when I was first considering putting my back-list titles on Kindle, my UK agent, the illustrious Robert Kirby (who also represents Ricky Gervaise, Anthony Horowitz and Dawn French) mentioned that a number of agents had been pitched by Amazon at the London Book Fair about a special book-to-Kindle service. Part of this involved optically scanning books (known as OCR in the trade) and then converting them to ebook Kindle format. However, at the time I'd gained good input from other authors and also I had all of my books on electronic files on my computer. In other words, the kdp conversion process was easy. So, I went at it without using this specialized Amazon service - until I got to the fourth book in my list - The Shadow Chaser. For some strange reason, I had two thirds of the book on file but the rest was missing. I phoned Penguin to see if they had copies on file - no luck. So in the end I was stuck with using OCR for the final third of The Shadow Chaser. The converted copy that came back was a nightmare. At least five misread words per page, sometimes far more, with on occasion entire lines mangled and rearranged. It took me ten days solid to go through it and take out the gremlins. A whole book I envisaged would take nearer a month. I got to thinking that it might have been quicker and easier re-typing the whole thing. The problem with OCR is that it takes the nearest approximation to the word it 'thinks' it sees. Check out the same problems found with an early Kindle edition of Game of Thrones. The region known as Dorne was misread as Dome. The word 'don't' with a thick apostrophe might be misread as donut, etc. This appears to be a common problem with the OCR system. Having worked so tirelessly to get rid of these errors, it appears that two or three still remained and only recently I found myself going back into the script to correct them. If any other authors have experienced the same problem with OCR, I'd be pleased to hear about it. Or indeed readers finding Kindle editions with multiple errors from mainstream publishers where you'd expect better. That all so awkward transition for Indie authors.
This was a comment originally made by me on the Amazon Kindle boards in response to many readers complaining about the low standards. Not just with plot and style, but typos, grammatical errors, etc. However, I've found myself biting my tongue slightly on this issue, having had problems on one book with OCR sampling. If you want to see a book series that has suffered the same nightmare, check out the reviews on George R. R Martin's Game of Thrones. LOL. More on that later, but here for now are my original comments. _________________ It's very true that sampling or trying to find quality books amongst such a volume becomes a game of diminishing returns. And I suppose pretty much the same process has in fact already been experienced within trad publishing itself. I recall years ago that every major publisher had staff on hand to read the incoming slush pile of daily manuscripts. Such was the incoming volume with such a low degree of even passable grade manuscripts that it didn't even pay their staff to keep the slush piles open. So one by one they shut their doors and passed that (often thankless) task to agents. I recall an interview with a US editor talking about his first day as a novice assistant at a big publishers, and he was given the task of handling the slush pile. He was told to open the packages, slip a standard rejection slip in each, and put them back in their pre-paid envelopes. He asked, 'What - don't I read them first?' 'God, no!' came the answer. 'We need your help with books that we ARE going to publish.' He was talking as an editor at McAdam Cage - who did in fact at that time actually trouble to read what came in (thus the boast about the contrast to the big bad publisher from his novice days). Agents too often get fed up with the deluge, and the only way to get through it is sample just the first few pages, or at most the first chapter. From that they pretty well know whether the person can write or not. If it goes beyond that (and 98/99 of a 100 don't), then they're in with a chance. Shift that slush pile straight to readers, and it's hardly surprising that their attitudes are going to harden in the same way. Who the hell has got time to sift through 100 sample books in the hope of finding one or two gems? The publishers got fed up with doing it long ago. Even picking solely amongst trad published books, there's a high quota of mediocre or lack-lustre books; by the time factors of genre, taste and style are taken into account, you might be lucky to find one good book in ten. Truly GREAT books are even rarer -- so it doesn't take much to work out the odds without all that gatekeeping of agents, editors and copy-editors in place. And the reason they're all there - even when they have finally sifted down to the books they feel are worthy to publish or will work commercially - is that they know that unless they hone and polish that book to shine as best it can, they'll get panned by critics and readers alike. So, without those people to hand, then it befalls every Indie writer to do the best job they can with self-editing and polishing so as not to run that risk of getting panned. Or, as has been covered here ad nauseum - not simply transfer those vast slush piles from publishers desks to readers, so that readers end up closing their doors one by one, just as publishers have done in the past.
(note: originally published on the Penguin Most Wanted site at the time of the Dan Brown plagiary court case)
Whether to push the boundaries or not? Many a crime and thriller writer approaching their next novel – unless they’re writing in a set theme and mould, such as in a series, where marked change might well be counter-productive – will have asked themselves variations on the above question. To grab reader and market attention – to be the next ‘The Firm’, ‘The Lovely Bones’ or ‘The Da Vinci Code’ – the overriding temptation might be to try and break the boundaries, boldly go where no other crime or thriller writer has gone before. Easier said than done. New and startlingly original ideas don’t just hover in the air waiting to be plucked out, and if that weren’t daunting enough for the writer, now at their wits’ end after months of musing on park benches or soaking in baths with still no ‘Eureka’ in sight – there’s that old adage that every single plot has already been done in one form or another. All that’s left to do is re-work that stock of old, worn plots and ideas in new and exciting ways; with different characters and locales, and fresh angles, twists and turns. Which is indeed what ends up happening 99% of the time. With writing ‘Past Imperfect’, I was fortunate; the core of the plot was simply there one day, in a flash. The problem was that it was so extreme– involving past life regressions and parapsychology – that I became worried it would then verge into science fiction or even Stephen King/horror realms. So it needed reining in, for two reasons: first, to fit more comfortably under a crime umbrella, but secondly, and most importantly, to be grounded and believable to that same crime/thriller audience. The first bit of grounding came through seeing that core plot through the eyes of the doubters – detectives and prosecutors battle-hardened to extreme or ethereal evidence (and this indeed is a device that any writer could employ for an extreme plot); readers inclined to be more doubting could then view the proceedings by riding along comfortably from that perspective. The second bit of grounding came from using an old and familiar plot – a detective pursuing one suspect dauntlessly throughout a lifetime. This was in fact the core plot of ‘Les Miserables’, and while conducting my research I discovered that it was probably the most re-used crime plot line of all time. ‘The Fugitive’, one of the longest-running TV series of the 60s (more recently made into a film with Harrison Ford) had this same plot as its foundation. So, in Past Imperfect, I had a cutting-edge plot combined with one of the oldest plot stalwarts. An unlikely mix, a true ying and yang, but it worked. A year later ‘The Sixth Sense’ hit the movie screens, and two years after that Alice Sebold’s ‘The Lovely Bones’ was published; the dead having an influence on living events was no longer original, was starting on its way to becoming a Les-Miserables-style old-faithful. Around the same time as ‘Past Imperfect’, Michael Cordy came out with a book called ‘The Miracle Strain’ – a cutting-edge thriller involving the genes of Jesus (extracted from the shroud of Turin) being used for miracle cures today. I thought the author was going to do a human Jurassic Park and create a Jesus clone; but, thankfully, the DNA was used to save a child with an incurable disease (though I’m sure that the Jesus-clone plot will turn up at some stage by someone jumping on the Da Vinci bandwagon, if it hasn’t already done so). Yet that is where our perception of old or new plot suddenly becomes warped; it only becomes a worn theme if we’ve been personally exposed to it before. Twenty million readers into ‘The Da Vinci Code’, they’re all suddenly enlightened – most prominently by a high-profile law-suit – that what they originally thought was an excitingly new take on Jesus and the history of the Catholic church, was in fact little more than a re-hash in thriller-form of a book originally written twenty years ago, ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’. So, now that what was originally billed as the biggest cutting-edge blockbuster of the past twenty years has been debunked, is nothing sacred? I’m sure clergy and devout Christians were asking themselves exactly the same question when Dan Brown’s book first hit bestseller lists, albeit for different reasons. But it does bring us full circle again to the core adage that practically every plot has been done before in one form or other; and so, in the main, all that’s left to do is re-work them in new and exciting ways: different locales, characters, texture and speech patterns – all of this pulls the core plot away from its anchor and makes it less recognizable as ground we’ve trodden before. Where that territory has become embarrassingly saturated, very often the reviews start with an excuse: ‘This treads the same old serial-killer ground we know so well, but the author does so with the freshest set of characters in years, with a one-legged hit man with a mother complex, and his pink-haired and pink-cat-suited side-kick with a passion for Harleys who is never without an Uzi in her tote bag…’ Sub-text: yes, this is the same tired old plot you’ve read a hundred times before, but the author has spiced things up with a new and quirky set of characters. The only problem with this cycle is that in order to keep that ‘freshness’, the characters tend to become more extreme each time. Some would no doubt argue that these characters merely reflect modern life, but Agatha Christie would nevertheless turn in her grave at the collection of limb-challenged hit-men, gun-toting lesbians, transvestite wrestlers and tattooed midgets that have invaded her tea-sipping, crime-scene drawing rooms – local vicar, butler and all-suspects-present – of seventy years ago. But at the other end of the scale to those trying desperately to distance themselves from past plots, themes and characters, some books in fact revel in the fact that they’re re-works of old favourites. A recent Grisham-style legal thriller, ‘The Colour of Law’ re-hashes the hot-bed racial theme first visited in Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’ forty years ago – though now, updated to the modern age, money is more at the heart of the issue than race. ‘The Mercy of Thin Air’ is a 1920’s New Orleans’ re-take on ‘The Lovely Bones’; ‘The Alienist’ of a few years ago has Theodore Roosevelt as police Commissioner (before he became President) in a turn-of the-century New York mystery, and ‘The Arcanum’ – treading similar territory and period – manages to combine Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Harry Houdini and H.P Lovecraft all in the one novel. There’s even a recent American mystery titled ‘Holmes on the Range’, a tongue-in-cheek take on Sherlock Holmes in an unlikely Wild West setting - though I’m reliably informed by those partial to Jamaican Blue Velvet that it actually works. Then the countless re-workings of Jack-the-Ripper, Crippen, Rasputin and Sweeney Todd. Sometimes, when shifting an old theme to the modern age, that change and freshness will automatically be there without having to resort to obscuring through oddball characters. Shift a classic love story from medieval Venice to present-day Verona Beach in upstate New York – the foundation for a modern film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet – and practically everything else changes at the same time. When re-working the ‘Les Miserables’ part of ‘Past Imperfect’, I found much the same. In the original novel, at heart a condemnation of post-Revolution France and its justice system, a man is pursued throughout his life for simple parole violation after stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family; the police Inspector relentlessly hunting him down, Javert, becomes the baddie. I felt that transposed to the modern age, the boot would be on the other foot: a clever villain could get away with a heinous crime (in this case, the sexual assault and murder of a young boy) for practically a lifetime, and the detective pursuing him would become the wounded, reader-empathetic character. In that respect it was almost a complete reversal of ‘Les Miserables’. Old plot or new? A re-vamp of a timeless stalwart that, simply by shifting to current-day, will inject the necessary freshness? Or serious repeat-offender territory where sharp new angles and fresh, quirky characters will be required? Still undecided? Perhaps the most fitting closing quote comes from no other than Dan Brown speaking recently in London’s High Court. While admitting that he had in part sourced from ‘The Holy Blood and Holy Grail’ (along with several other books, and not until a year into his research), he then deftly commented that he thought he’d brought to the table by far the most valuable element by repackaging all of that in readable, novel form. ‘The ideas are the easy part; ideas are everywhere. The hard part is getting the ideas to work as a novel.’ So, there you have it. It’s official. Straight from the mouth of the world’s current bestselling author: not only can a re-hashed old plot seem fresh and original, but if done right it can actually have far more impact than its core predecessor. That is, assuming Mr Brown wins the current court case; if he doesn’t, it will be run-for-the-hills time and no author in his right mind will touch another’s plot idea with a ten-foot barge pole. |
AuthorJohn Matthews is a leading British thriller writer. His books span genres of crime, action, mystery and legal-thriller and include: Basikasingo, Crescents of the Moon, Past Imperfect, The Last Witness, The Second Amendment, Ascension Day, The Shadow Chaser, Blind School, The Prophet, and his current book series set in 1890s New York with the first days of criminal forensics. ![]() Buying a NEW Kindle?
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